At Functional Nourishment we recognize that optimal health and wellness is not just about the absence of disease. It’s an intricate balance of your mental, emotional and physical health and we are here to guide you on your journey back to balance and wholeness.

How do we support you?

  • By educating, guiding and supporting you with healthy lifestyle and diet practices specific to your health condition so that you feel empowered and in charge of your health.

  • By incorporating integrative health modalities such as reiki, meditation and sound healing to help you increase self-awareness and inner balance and reduce stress.

  • By using a client-centered, food-first, functional nutrition approach that is tailored to your unique lifestyle and bio-individuality.

  • Our services currently include nutritional counseling, healthy cooking, nutrition and meditation workshops, Reiki and sound healing treatments and holistic wellness retreats to help enhance your well-being.

    Book a discovery call.