Are you ready to blossom into the best version of yourself but don’t know where to start? Are you confused by the plethora of dietary theories and health fads out there and seeking sound guidance on what’s best for you and/or your family? Do you feel like you need endless cups of coffee to get through the day because you are chronically fatigued, drained and unmotivated? Is a chronic health condition preventing you from enjoying life to the fullest?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then health and nutritional coaching may be the right fit for you. I strive to support you in your health and wellness goals by inspiring sustainable lifestyle changes to help you achieve your optimal health and wellness. I take a holistic and client-centered approach and recognize the interplay between your bio-individuality (biology), your environment, and emotional well-being when helping you identify and transform you health and wellness goals into action. I consider each client as a “whole” and recognize that health and wellness is an integrative balance of the physical, mental, social and spiritual aspects of your being.

My goal is to empower you to use self-awareness, mindful eating habits and conscious lifestyle choices to create the changes you want to see in your life. No emphasis on crash diets, quick-fixes or obsessive health fads here. I aim to help you create sustainable, healthy and positive lifestyle changes based on evidence-based, scientific nutritional guidance. I draw from the immense healing power of functional nutrition by promoting the incorporation of nutrient dense, whole foods and herbs to help you look and feel your best from the inside out.

How does it work?

Wellness isn’t a final destination or something you do once and check off your list. It’s an evolving practice of daily and self-care. Where do you start? By recognizing that true power comes from within by connecting with your authentic, higher self. By connecting with your true, inner self and being in tune with your body through practices of self-awareness, self-love and mindfulness, you can identify what lifestyle habits and dietary behaviors are working and which ones are holding you back. Once you see your patterns and identify the root cause of your habits and blocks, then true and sustainable lifestyle changes can start to unfold.

My functional nutrition programs are 4-6 months long because they are designed for sustainable change. We conduct a thorough assessment of your current diet and lifestyle and identify your goals at our 90-120 minute initial nutrition-intake consultation. We meet again shortly after to go over your nutrition assessment and kick off your individualized plan. We then establish a set schedule of meeting via a telehealth platform for 30-45 minute nutrition counseling sessions to help support you in transforming your goals into actions. My programs are all encompassing and cater to both individuals who want to strive for optimal health and clients who need support with chronic health conditions. I work with pediatric and adult clients. In addition to nutritional counseling, clients are educated on healthy lifestyle practices which include guidance on following a nutrient dense diet of whole-foods and antioxidant-rich herbs, stress mitigation and healthy cooking recipes and practices.

We address spiritual and mental health by including Reiki energy balancing, meditation and/or sound healing in most packages. Both Reiki and Sound healing are integrative health practices that helps you go into a deep state of meditative relaxation. Most clients report that their Reiki/Sound healing sessions help them relax and increase self-awareness around identifying subconscious blocks that are preventing them from achieving their health and wellness goals. The ultimate goal is to use an integrative approach that empowers you to take control and be the healthiest, most balanced version of you!

Contact me for an initial screening to find out more!