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Reiki ART and Master Teacher Level Training

This is a comprehensive, 3 day course that will include Advanced Reiki Training (ART) and Master Teacher Level Reiki Training.

Prerequisite: First and Second Degree Level Reiki (Reiki I & 2)

This training follows the Usui/Tibetan Reiki tradition. The practitioner will be attuned to and trained in the application of the Master Level symbols. In addition the symbols, Reiki Master Level tools and techniques such as aura clearing, Reiki master meditation, moving meditation will be introduced. The student will be taught how to apply all the Reiki symbols and how to facilitate a Reiki Healing Attunement as well as a Reiki Initiation attunement for Levels 1 & 2, ART and Master Level. After completion of this course, the Reiki Master level practitioner will have completed all the requirements
necessary to teach all levels of Reiki as a Reiki Master Level Teacher.

Students who have trained with other Reiki Masters are welcome.

Schedule: This is a three day course and will take place on:

  • Saturday 10 am to 6 pm (June 8th)

  • Sunday 10 am to 6 pm (June 9th)

  • Monday 10 am to 6 pm (June 10th)

A one hour lunch break and additional breaks will be scheduled throughout the day as needed.

Location: Jackson Heights, NY

Price: $1025.00

Deposit: $375.00

Paypal Link:

For additional info, please email:

Please note: If you purchased your class on CourseHorse, then our Refund & Cancellation policy applies to your purchase. If you are entitled to a refund, or have any questions, please visit the CourseHorse site and contact their customer service team.